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Stara szkoła Nowa szkoła Historia w języku angielskim JUBILEUSZ 70-LECIA SZKOŁY PATRON SZKOŁY

Historia w języku angielskim




        The primary school in Kłodawa started to work on the 4th of September 1945. Its first headmaster was Maria Gostomska – Bielawska. There were three classes and 47 students. They were taught Polish, Maths and Gymnastics. Maria Gostomska – Bielawska, Stankiewicz, Janina Kaffa, Zofia Korycka, Krystyna Paluch and Edmund Ejsmond were the first teachers.

           From the beginning the school started to cooperate with ‘Komitet Rodzicielski’ and there were organisations like ZHP, Zuchy, TPPR, SKS and SKOW ( Szkolne Koło odbudowy Warszawy ). During the holidays in 1954 the school was redecorated. In 1959 and 1960 pupils from classes VI and VII visited Mazury and Kaszuby.

          In April 1962 The Botanic Garden was created by Biology teacher Zbigniew Nelke . In May 1963 a dental ambulance arrived to cure pupils’ and inhabitants’ teeth.

          In April 1964 ‘Komitet Budowy Szkoły‘ was established – on the 10th of January 1968 the building of a new school was started – it was completed in October 1969.

          In years 1970 / 1971 the school took part in ‘Szkoła wzorem dla otoczenia‘ competition and won in the voivodeship.

          Children of workers from ‘Zakłady Techniczne Obsługi Samochodów’ from the South of Poland spent their holidays here in 1970. ‘Kolonie’ were organised for a couple of years and the grateful factories made some renovations at school.

           The summer holidays in 1980 lasted till the 10th of September due to the events and the strikes in a country. NSZZ ‘Solidarność’ Society was established at school. The new school year was delayed until the 1st of October 1981. On the 13th of December ‘stan wojenny’ was proclaimed – the army was quartered at school and the pupils didn’t have the winter holidays that year – they had to make up their deficiencies.

           On the 29th of June 1983 Jan Chajewski was retired and Helena Grzywacz became the new headmaster. The school in Kłodawa was highly prized in the competitions like ‘Gminny Konkurs Estetyzacji Szkół’ , ‘Nasza Szkoła Czysta i Zdrowa’ , ‘Młodość – Trzeźwość’. The Scouts and the choir were also successful. In October 1988 ’Klub Wiewiórka‘ was established and this tradition is also cultivated nowadays. Teachers and students pay much attention to health and ‘ Giełda Zdrowia’ is organised every year.

             From 1991 the headmaster is Halina Podolska. In November 1993 the school canteen opened. In 1992 / 1993 the school started to work on the name of the patron. There were 11 candidates and many activities and competitions. Maria Kownacka , who wrote many books for children,  was chosen. In February 1995 the relief of Maria Kownacka made by Zygmunt Bukowski from Mierzeszyn was installed. Anna Michalska wrote a song ‘It is our school’. On the 27th of February 1995 the school was given the name of Maria Kownacka. Each year the 27th of February ( the day of the death of this famous writer ) is celebrated as ‘Dzień Patrona’. This day everybody wears formal clothes and there are many competitions, e.g. in 2004 / 2005 they were based on the book ‘Rogaś z Doliny Roztoki’.

            On the first of September 1995 there was 50th anniversary called ‘We meet to safe yesterday and today for tomorrow‘ and the school was given the standard which now is a part of all ceremonies.

            In 1997 a computer room was founded and it still improves. From 1999 pupils of the last classes write tests of competence due to changes in Polish education.

            On the 22nd of June 1999 The Botanic Garden Task was completed. Zbigniew Nelke started to work on it in 1969. In 1970 he went by sea to Africa, where he collected exotic plants. He brought many rare spieces to Kłodawa : rhododendron, magnolia from Kórnik and conifers from Wirty. The Ecological Society contacted The University of Gdańsk and Professor W. Fołtynowicz with his students came to Kłodawa and helped to describe the plants. In 1999 the guidebook about The Botanic Garden was published. There are about 130 spieces and the pupils gain knowledge from taking care of them.

              In September 2005 the primary school in Kłodawa celebrated its  sixtieth anniversary.


                                                                       Monika Chmielewska

                                                                              September 2005







  • Szkoła Podstawowa im. Marii Kownackiej w Kłodawie
    ul. Szkolna 10
    83-035 Kłodawa
  • (058) 682-87-28

    512 006 998

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